8-242 Evans Corn Mill as Lane Wigston Magna - ex Gas Works.jpg

14-004 Wigston Magna Gas Works.jpg

14-115 Great Wigston Gasworks.jpg

16-004 Gas Lane Road Sign - Newgate End Wigston Magna 2011.jpg

22-163 Wigston Gas Works Gas Lane Wigston Magna circa 1930 closed in the 1950's .jpg

23-055 The Wigston Gas Works Gas Lane.jpg

23-055a The Wigston Gas Works Gas Lane.jpg

23-056 The Wigston Gas Works Managers House in Gas Lane.jpg

23-056a The Wigston Gas Works Managers House in Gas Lane.jpg

23-434 Cottage Gas Lane Wigston Magna Aug 2013 was the old gas works offices.JPG

23-435 Cottage Gas Lane Wigston Magna Aug 2013 was the old gas works offices.JPG

30-010 Gas Works Gas Lane Wigston Magna.jpg

30-085 Through the Gas Works to the fields - Oswalds on motorbike - Wigston Magna.jpg

30-085a Through the Gas Works to the fields - Oswalds on motorbike - Wigston Magna.jpg

30-204 Gas Lane Wigston Magna c 1960.jpg

30-204a Gas Lane Wigston Magna c 1960.jpg

30-206 The former Gas Offices in Gas Lane prior to being converted into a bungalow in the 1960's.jpg

30-206a The former Gas Offices in Gas Lane prior to being converted into a bungalow in the 1960's.jpg

30-207 The old Gas Offices now converted into a bungalow in Gas Lane Wigston Magna in the late 1960's.jpg

30-207a The old Gas Offices now converted into a bungalow in Gas Lane Wigston Magna in the late 1960's.jpg

30-208 The Gas Office bungalow with a Citroen Dyane parked on the site of the former weighbridge in June 1973.jpg

30-208a The Gas Office bungalow with a Citroen Dyane parked on the site of the former weighbridge in June 1973.jpg

30-209 Wigston Gas Works Retort House taken from the field at Manor House in the 1930's.jpg

30-210 Wigston Gas Works Retort House taken from the field at Manor House in the 1930's.jpg

30-210a Wigston Gas Works Retort House taken from the field at Manor House in the 1930's.jpg

30-211 Wigston Gas Works circa 1930.jpg

30-211a Wigston Gas Works circa 1930.jpg

30-212 General view of the Wigston Gas Works circa 1930.jpg

30-212a General view of the Wigston Gas Works circa 1930.jpg

30-213 View of the Wigston Gas works from the new retort house circa 1930.jpg

30-214 Wigston Gas works from the air around 1930.jpg

30-215 Wigston Gas Works October 1966 view of the Gas Holders now supplied on a branch from the trunk pipeline.jpg

30-215a Wigston Gas Works October 1966 view of the Gas Holders now supplied on a branch from the trunk pipeline.jpg

30-216 Fire at the old Retort House of the Wigston Gas Company 5th June 1985.jpg

30-217 Fire at the old Retort House of the Wigston Gas Company 5th June 1985 as seen from Davenport Road.jpg

30-218 Fire at the old Retort House of the Wigston Gas Company 5th June 1985.jpg

30-218a Fire at the old Retort House of the Wigston Gas Company 5th June 1985.jpg

30-219 The former Wigston Gas Works Retort House being stabalised 1985.jpg

30-220 The former Wigston Gas Works Retort House being stabalised 1985.jpg

30-683 Evans Mill Gas Lane Wigston Magna June 1985.jpg

32-024 Evans Mill Newgate End now Pochins Close. Photo by Ivor Dann 1963.JPG

32-285 Gas works Gas Lane Wigston Magna.JPG

32-336 Wigston Gas works retort building after the fire - Gas Lane Wigston Magna.JPG

32-337 Wigston Gas works retort building after the fire - Gas Lane Wigston Magna.JPG

32-392 Workers stoking the fires at Wigston Gas Works - Picture from Leicestershire County Council.JPG