16-002 16 - 22 Bushloe End.jpg

16-002 Bushloe End.jpg

16-003 Master Hosiers House Bushloe End 2011.jpg

19-384 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-385a Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-386a Wigston Royal British Legion Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-387 Wigston Royal British Legion Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-388 Wigston Royal British Legion Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-416 2 Bushloe End - left with bay window - Wigston Magna.JPG

19-417 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

19-418 The Plough Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

19-437 Doctors Surgery in Bushloe End Wigston Magna May 2012.JPG

26-035 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-036 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-037 Old Coach House Bushloe End part of Doctors Surgery until 2014.JPG

26-394 Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1920.jpg

26-438 All Saint's Church Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1973.jpg

29-039 Peter Clowes at Frame Work Knitters Museum Wigston Magna.PNG

29-058 Wigston Framework Knitters Museum- The machine room.JPG

29-522 Rectory Farm House and Out Buildings Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1886.jpg

31-008 Frame for home working.jpg

31-314 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2017.jpg

8-103 The Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

3-23 British Legion Room of Rememberence Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

3-23a British Legion Room of Rememberence Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

5-21 Rectory Farm House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-99 Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-99a Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-100 Rough Gable End 42 - 44 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-101 New Plough Inn Wigston Magna 1950's.jpg

8-101a New Plough Inn Wigston Magna 1950's.jpg

8-102 Busloe End Wigston Magna with Gas showroom on right.jpg

8-104 Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-104a Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-105 Chas A Holt shop Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-105a Chas A Holt shop Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-106 Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1920.jpg

8-106a Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1920.jpg

8-107 Gas showrooms Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1939.jpg

8-107a Gas showrooms Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1939.jpg

8-108 Crux Timber in gable of FWK House Wigston Magna.jpg

8-109 Rectory Farm House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-113 The Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-114 Junction of Bushloe End - Moat Street and Long Street Wigston Magna.jpg

8-114a Junction of Bushloe End - Moat Street and Long Street Wigston Magna.jpg

8-115 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1930.jpg

8-115a Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1930.jpg

8-116 Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-116a Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-117 Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-118 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1940's.jpg

8-119 Framework Knitters House Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

8-120 Rectory Farm House Bushloe End Wigston Magna 29-12-1967.jpg

8-254 Wigston Co-op Society Dray in Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1923.jpg

8-254a Wigston Co-op Society Dray in Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1923.jpg

14-003 Stocking Frame FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-003a Stocking Frame FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-192 Frame shop at the FWK museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-192a Frame shop at the FWK museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-195 Framework knitters museum front Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-196 Framework knitters museum rear Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

14-281 The Royal British Legion Building Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

16-001 Bushloe End Road Sign and Mapperley House Plaque - 4 Bushloe End 2011.jpg

16-001 Bushloe End Road Sign and Mapperley House Plaque 2011.jpg

16-005 Chestnut Tree in Bushloe End Opposite The Legion - Orig part of The Elms garden 2011.jpg

16-007 Door Knob on Master Hosiers House 42 Bushloe End 2011.jpg

19-002 Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1900.jpg

19-002a Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1900.jpg

19-204 Rectory Farm Bushloe End 1963 - Photo by Ivor Dann.jpg

19-204a Rectory Farm Bushloe End 1963 - Photo by Ivor Dann.jpg

19-248 Site of Rectory Farm Bushloe End was through the gates on Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

19-322 Rectory Farm Bushloe End Wigston 1963 taken by Ivor Dann.jpg

19-419 Frame Work Knitters Cottage Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

19-420 Read of Wigston Royal British Legion Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

19-466 Garden of the Framework Knitters Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-467 Garden of the Framework Knitters Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-468 Garden of the Framework Knitters Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

19-469 Yard of the Framework Knitters Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2000.JPG

22-035 The Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1896.jpg

22-073 Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1910.jpg

22-152 Wigston Co-operative Society Dairy circa 1932 Bushloe End now Parlour Close.jpg

22-152a Wigston Co-operative Society Dairy circa 1932 Bushloe End now Parlour Close.jpg

22-305 FWK house Busloe End Wigston Magna circa 1990.jpg

22-426 Rectory Farm Bushloe End Wigston circa 1964.jpg

22-470 Rectory Farmhouse Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1967 .jpg

22-526 Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1911.jpg

23-006 Bushloe End with the old Gas Showroom on the right Wigston Magna.jpg

23-008 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

23-012 Old Plough Inn and FWK Museum Buildings in Busloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

23-014 Plough Inn Bushloe End - Joseph Potter in doorway .jpg

23-317 All Saints Vicarage undergoing renovation Bushloe End Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-352 Bushloe End Doctors Surgery Bushloe End Wigston Magna June 2013.JPG

23-353 The Vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2013 .JPG

23-658 The Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

26-032 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-033 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.jpg

26-034 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-038 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-039 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-040 Old Coach House Bushloe End now Doctors Surgery 2014.JPG

26-058 Parlour Close & Parlour Court Busloe End Wigston Magna Apr 2014.JPG

26-059 Parlour Close & Parlour Courtt Busloe End Wigston Magna Apr 2014.JPG

26-060 Parlour Close Parlour Crescent Busloe End Wigston Magna Apr 2014.JPG

26-061 Parlour Close Parlour Crescent Busloe End Wigston Magna Apr 2014.JPG

26-062 Wigston Magna Church Room plaque built in 1929 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2014.JPG

26-062a Wigston Magna Church Room plaque built in 1929 Bushloe End Wigston Magna2014.jpg

26-316 Framework Knitters factory late 1800's Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

26-395 Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1955.jpg

26-395a Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1935.jpg

26-419 Rectory Farmhouse Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1958.jpg

26-419a Rectory Farmhouse Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1958.jpg

26-439 All Saints Vicarage from the rear Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1912.jpg

26-483 FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

26-484 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

26-486 Framework Kinitters Museum yard with old Mangle at Wigston Magna circa 2010.jpg

26-487 Framework Knitters Cottage with workshop behind Busloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

29-056 The Plough Inn Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

29-059 Wigston Framework Knitters Museum- The machine room.JPG

29-113 Shop of Charles H Hold 18 Bushloe End Wigston Magna with Emma Holt nee Bates in shop doorway c 1940.jpg

29-113a Shop of Charles H Hold 18 Bushloe End Wigston Magna with Emma Holt nee Bates in shop doorway c 1940.jpg

29-114 Steam Road Roller outside 18 Bushloe End with Emma Holt nee Bates in shop doorway c 1940.jpg

29-114a Steam Road Roller outside 18 Bushloe End with Emma Holt nee Bates in shop doorway c 1940.jpg

29-392 Wigston Harcourt in 1390 now Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

29-519a Kingswood Lodge Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1960.JPG

29-565 Egremont and Hamilton Houses Bushloe End Wigston Magna built 1887.JPG

29-566 Mapperley Houses Bushloe End Wigston Magna built 1887 with #2 on the left built later.JPG

29-567 Egrement Houses Bushloe End Wigston Magna built 1887.JPG

29-580 Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1935 with The Elms on the right before development.JPG

29-584 Bushloe End Wigston Magna Nov 2015.JPG

29-585 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-586 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-587 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-594 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-595 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-596 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-617 The Elms Bushloe End Wigston Magna taken from the side 1945.jpg

29-642 18 Bushloe End Wigston Magna Emma Bates nee Holt outside her shop c 1940.jpg

29-642a 18 Bushloe End Wigston Magna Emma Bates nee Holt outside her shop c 1940.jpg

29-782 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-784 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-783 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-785 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-786 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-787 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-788 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

29-789 The vicarage Bushloe End Wigston Magna Jan 2016.JPG

30-041 Frame Work Knitters Cottage Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1980.jpg

30-227 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1987.jpg

30-228 Bushloe End Wigston Magna in 1966.jpg

30-229 The Co-operative Model Dairy Bushloe End Wigston Magna in the 1930's.jpg

30-229a The Co-operative Model Dairy Bushloe End Wigston Magna in the 1930's.jpg

30-352 Bushloe End from the air.JPG

30-387 Bushloe End from the air.JPG

30-414 All Saints Church Rooms Bushloe End Wigston Magna Dec 2015.JPG

30-511 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

30-746 Toones Sweat Shop on Bushloe End Wigston Magna c 1960.JPG

30-766 All Saints' church showing the outbuildings for Rectory Farm 1963.JPG

30-767 All Saints Vicarage in the mid 60's Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

30-774 Bushloe End Wigston Magna mid 1970's.JPG

30-840 A photograph of the inside of Edgar Carter's framework knitting workshop Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

30-998 Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

31-006 Frame for home working.jpg

31-007 Frame for home working.JPG

31-166 Bushloe End Wigston Magna circa 1885.JPG

31-313 Bushloe End circa 1885.JPG

31-340 Kingswood Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg

32-318 The Magnet Stores Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

29-588 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-589 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-590 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-591 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-592 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-593 Re-build of Surgery at 48 Bushloe End Wigston Magna 1991 - 1992.jpg

29-512 FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2015.JPG

29-513 FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2015.JPG

29-514 FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2015.JPG

29-515 FWK Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna 2015.JPG

32-364 Frame Work Knitters Museum Bushloe End Wigston Magna.JPG

32-452 The Elms Bushloe End Wigston Magna.jpg