29-633 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt anoramic.jpg

29-636 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt panoramic c.jpg

7-100 View from Welford Road back towards Wigston Magna c 1950.jpg

8-304 Top of Gilliver Hill Welford Road Wigston Magna 1910 - House in centre is near Prims Chapel.jpg

8-304a Top of Gilliver Hill Welford Road Wigston Magna 1910 - House in centre is near Prims Chapel.jpg

8-305 Welford Road Wigston Magna circa 1906.jpg

8-306 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1978 (looking across to White Gate Farm).jpg

8-306a Welford Road Wigston Magna 1978 (looking across to White Gate Farm).jpg

8-307 Wigston Cemetry Lodge Welford Road 1960.jpg

8-308 Welford Road Railway Bridge Wigston Magna 1998 (taken before repairs).jpg

8-308a Welford Road Railway Bridge Wigston Magna 1998 (taken before repairs).jpg

8-309 Welford Road Wigston Magna c 1906 (Bull Head Street, Newton Lane, Moat Street cross roads).jpg

8-310 General View of Wigston Magna taken from Welford Road 1903.jpg

8-310a General View of Wigston Magna taken from Welford Road 1903.jpg

8-315 Smokey Wigston in 1920's from Gilliver Hill Welford Road.jpg

8-315a Smokey Wigston in 1920's from Gilliver Hill Welford Road.jpg

8-318 Wigston Cemetery Lodge on Welford Road awaiting demolition.jpg

8-318a Wigston Cemetery Lodge on Welford Road awaiting demolition.jpg

8-319 Old Cemetery Lodge Welford Road Wigston Magna.jpg

8-319a Old Cemetery Lodge Welford Road Wigston Magna.jpg

10-32 Winter scene, Welford Road Wigston Cemetery at Rear.jpg

14-062 Welford Road Wigston Magna.jpg

15-006 Jillivar Hill Welford Road overlooking Brick Yard Close Wigston Magna.jpg

15-052 Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010.JPG

15-053 Cross on roof of Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010..jpg

15-053 Spire on Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010.JPG.JPG

15-054 Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010.JPG

15-055 Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010.JPG

15-056 Chapel at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Oct 2010.JPG

22-019 Vera Forryan's house Welford Road Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

22-020 Welford Road Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

22-021 Welford Road Wigston Magna 2012.JPG

22-461 Old Lodge at Wigston Cemetery prior to demolition Wigston Magna 1964 .jpg

22-462 replacement house at Wigston Cemetery Wigston Magna 1964 .jpg

23-013 Welford Road Wigston Magna looking north - men on left watching football 1900's.jpg

23-015 1906 Welford Road - alias Wharf Road Cross roads Wigston Magna .jpg

23-293 # 7 Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-294 Church Hall and Meeting Rooms on Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG


23-296 Mercer News on corner of Harcourt and Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-297 Old Mortuary at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-298 Old Mortuary at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-299 Old Mortuary at Wigston Cemetery Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-300 Wigston Cemetery Chapel Welford Road Wigston Magna May 2013.JPG

23-431 Welford Road Wigston Magna looking towards the cemetery Aug 2013.JPG

23-432 Welford Road Wigston Magna looking towards Leicester Aug 2013.JPG

23-433 Old Mill House 118 Welford Road Wigston Magna Aug 2013.JPG

26-422 The Cemetery Lodge House Welford Road circa 1940.jpg

26-426 Welford Road Wigston Magna circa 1905.jpg

29-037 Jillivar Hill looking down Welford Road to Wigston Magna.JPG

29-038 Jillivar Hill looking down Welford Road to Wigston Magna.JPG

29-103 One of many Iron Crosses in the Wigston Cemetery.jpg

29-629 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt.jpg

29-630 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt.jpg

29-631 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt.jpg

29-632 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt anoramic.jpg

29-634 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt panoramic a.jpg

29-635 Welford Road Wigston Magna 1982 looking over Will Forryan's land which became Wigston Harcourt panoramic b.jpg

29-652 Elephants in Laundons field next to the cemetery Welford Road Wigston Magna 1995.jpg

29-658 Elephants in Laundons field next to the cemetery Welford Road Wigston Magna 1995.jpg

30-011 Cemetery Chapel Welford Road Wigston Magna.jpg

30-011a Cemetery Chapel Welford Road Wigston Magna.jpg

30-187 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-187a Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-188 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-188a Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-189 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-190 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-190a Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-191 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-192 Start of the Wigston Harcourt Development with first houses built taken from the cemetery island.jpg

30-193 Grocers shop on corner of Welford Road and Harcourt Road Wigston Magna c 1920.jpg

30-193a Grocers shop on corner of Welford Road and Harcourt Road Wigston Magna c 1920.jpg

30-723 Simpkin & James Ltd Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

30-749 Welford Road looking towards Bull Head Street Wigston Magna.JPG

30-794 Guide Hut Welford Road Wigston Magna December 2016.JPG

30-795 Guide Hut Welford Road Wigston Magna December 2016 03.JPG

30-796 Guide Hut Welford Road Wigston Magna December 2016 04.JPG

30-797 Guide Hut Welford Road Wigston Magna December 2016.JPG

30-895 New island at cemetery before the Wigston Harcourt Estate was built in the late 1960's.jpg

30-914 Right hand corner of Welford Rd and Newton Lane looking from Moat St..Mid 1960s.JPG

30-960 Welford Road cross Road with Moat Street Wigston Magna 1963.JPG

30-964 Wigston Cemetary Chapel Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

31-188 Rear of the old Europa Factory taken from Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

31-189 Rear of the old Europa Factory taken from Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

31-190 Rear of the old Europa Factory taken from Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

31-191 Rear of the old Europa Factory taken from Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG

31-192 Rear of the old Europa Factory taken from Welford Road Wigston Magna.JPG