23-697 Lost pastoral scene of Wigston Magna by Ivor Dann.jpg

23-698 Meadow Scene towards All Saints Church Wigston Magna 1960's.jpg

6-3 Duncan Lucas & Ernie Munton in Cowshed Wigston.jpg

6-4 Duncan Lucas & Ernie Munton in Cowshed Wigston.jpg

6-5 Duncan Lucas with Rufus the dog Wigston Magna 1950's.jpg

6-6 Harvest time White Gate Farm Wigston Magna.jpg

6-7 Harvest time White Gate Farm Wigston Magna.jpg

6-8 Farming at White Gate Farm Newton Lane.jpg

6-9 Duncas Lucas by Pole Barn at White Gates Farm Wigston Magna.jpg

6-10 Jean Lucas with last but one working horse in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-12 Threshing on White Gate Farm with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-13 Draining on White Gate Farm Wigston Magna with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-14 Bailing on White Gate Farm Wigston Magna with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-15 Draining on White Gate Farm Wigston Magna with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-16 Draining on White Gate Farm Wigston Magna with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-17 Threshing on White Gate Farm with Wilf Kind.jpg

6-19 Cal Dobsons Barn - now part of Tythorn Farm Wigston Magna.jpg

6-20 Hay Carting at Wilfords Farm Ayleston Lane Wigston Magna.jpg

6-21 Old Spade Lug - Standard Fordham Tractor Corn Carting in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-22 Mr & Mrs Wilford Hay Carting in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-23 Sheaves Carting in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-24 Horse ploughing in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-25 Wigston family hay making 1930's.jpg

6-26 Threshing Drum in Wigston Magna run by Bill Box - Ralph Goddard - Frank Woodward.jpg

6-27 2 horse ploughing and 3 horse binding in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-29 Straight Furrows on farm in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-30 Straight Furrows on farm in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-31 Mr Wilford and his two horses in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-32 Bull at Wigston Farm.jpg

6-33 Sheep sheering using hand operated machine.jpg

6-34 Working land girl 1940's in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-35 Horse drawn mowing machine in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-37 Freddie Edwards stacking wheat in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-39 Milk delivery 1930's.jpg

6-42 White Gate Farm Newton Lane Wigston Magna 1960.jpg

6-42 White Gate Farm Wigston Magna 1960.jpg

6-45 Harold Abbott at the bottling machine in the Dairly in Wigston in 1968.jpg

6-46 Two Wilfords - Taken rear All Saints Church entering rectory farm yard.jpg

6-48 Taken outside The Old Hall Long Street Wigston Magna.jpg

6-49 Milk delivery outside Forryan Corner - See adverts on wall.jpg

6-50 Forryan's corner with the milk delivery trap passing.jpg

6-51 Bradshaw on Hoyes Mineral water dray.jpg

6-52 Carnival Day.jpg

6-54 Horse and cart in Wigston Magna.jpg

6-56 Eric Mason and two friends in Wigston.jpg

6-66 Joke picture with tame cow on Wigston Farm.jpg

6-68 Duncan Lucas at White Gate Farn c 1960 - now site of Wigston Harcourt.jpg

8-215 White Gate Farm Newton Lane Wigston Magna 1970.jpg

8-216 Mould Pen Field Newton Lane Wigston Magna.jpg

8-298 Farm building at Abington House Station Road Wigston Magna.jpg

22-340 Jean Lucas with Betsy about 1952 Wigston Magna .jpg

22-402 Ploughing on Vin Wilfords tractor 1940's Wigston Magna.jpg

22-404 Threshing Corn 1950's Wigston Magna.jpg

22-405 1920's haysweep on Wilds farm Hambleton Rutland.jpg

6-11 Draining on White Gate Farm Wigston Magna with Wilf Kind.jpg

32-441 Harvesting 1950's style in Wigston.jpg

32-442 Harvesting along Newton Lane Wigston Magna 2003.jpg