24-018 Charles Moore & Son shop in Blaby Road South Wigston c 1915.jpg

29-049 St Thomas's Church Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-050 The Park South Wigston.jpg

32-306 South Wigston Junior School blazer badge c 1967.JPG

32-360 Blaby Road, South Wigston ~ Postcard from 1939..JPG

32-380 South Wigston High School turned 70 in 2014..JPG

32-382 St Thomas Church, South Wigston ~ Postcard from 1939.JPG

32-384 teachers from south wigston high school in the 70s.JPG

32-385 The Park Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

29-219 Sands Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

7-1 Huddlestone's Garage 1927 Blaby Road next to the level crossing South Wigston.jpg

7-2 Huddlestone's Garage 1900's.jpg

7-4 Huddlestone's Garage Blaby Road South Wigston 1920.jpg

7-6 Huddleston's Central Garage Blaby Road South Wigston1933.jpg

7-10 House owned by Orson Wright Blaby Road South Wigston 1920.jpg

7-11 Blaby Road South Wigston 1930.jpg

7-12 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

7-13 Blaby Road South Wigston 1920's.jpg

7-14 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

7-15 Picture House Blaby Raod South Wigston 1930's.jpg

7-17 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

7-19 Mr Jaques the Tailor c 1930 27 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

7-21 St Thomas' Church South Wigston c 1910.jpg

7-22 St Thomas' Church South Wigston c 1910.jpg

7-23 St Thomas' Church South Wigston c 1910.jpg

7-24 An old print of the original St Thomas' Church South Wigston.jpg

7-25 Constone South Wigston.jpg

7-27 T Forsell & Son Ltd c 1960 now Tesco South Wigston.jpg

7-40 Eric Holmes Cycle Store South Wigston.jpg

7-98 Spion Kop Bridge looking towards South Wigston circa 1905.jpg

7-195 Coop Blaby Road South Wigston 1897.jpg

14-064 Home of Orson Wright in Glen Gate Wigston.jpg

14-078 Tin Chapel South Wigston.jpg

15-040 Wigston Junction Brickyard chimney Blaby Road c 1929.jpg

15-041 Wigston Junction Brickyard chimney Blaby Road being demolished c 1929.jpg

15-042 Wigston Junction Brickyard chimney Blaby Road being demolished c 1929.jpg

15-043 Constone works Blaby Road South Wigston partially on site of old brickyard c 1929 prior to chimney demolition.jpg

17-017 Premier Drum Company Warehouse in South Wigston circa 2000.jpg

19-449 Blaby Road South Wigston Photo W G Hall.JPG

19-452 Church & War Memorial South Wigston Photo W G Hall.JPG

20-007 Orson Wright's house on left of Blaby Road South Wigston c 1910.jpg

22-034 Wesleyan Chapel Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1895 Mr H Dougherty left and Mr G Dalton.jpg

22-055 St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1899 the tower was added in 1900.jpg

22-062 Blaby Road circa 1904 South Wigston, Canal Street bottom left.jpg

22-063 'Ticker' Payne 58 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1908.jpg

22-071 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1910, shop with awning on left is Holes's Chemist.jpg

22-076 South Wigston's Iron Church with its successor behind circa 1890 Blaby Road.jpg

22-097 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1911, on right is No 2 branch of the Wigston Co-operative Society.jpg

22-102 St Thomas's Church Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1912.jpg

22-103 Wesleyan Chapel South Wigston circa 1914.jpg

22-105 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1912 with Ashbourne House built by Orson Wright on the right foreground.jpg

22-111 Congregational Chapel Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1914.jpg

22-122 Fitchett's shop in Blaby Road circa 1924 Mrs Fitchett and her daughter Marjorie in front of shop .jpg

22-123 Constone Works South Wigston circa 1929 was the old Wigston Junction Brickworks .jpg

22-126 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1925 level crossing can be sen in the distance .jpg

22-127 Charles Moore and Kathleen Veasey circa 1929 outside Chas Moore Music Shop on corner of Blaby Road and Canal Street .jpg

22-143 Charles Moore's Corner, Blaby Road and Canal Street South Wigston circa 1922.jpg

22-146 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1935 Dunton Street is still cobbled on the right.jpg

22-154 Huddleston's Garage Blaby Road circa 1933.jpg

22-165 Blaby Road Park South Wigston circa 1935 .jpg

22-196 Ashbourne House Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1959.jpg

22-386 Orson Wright's House on Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

22-490 Blaby Road Park Notice Board South Wigston 1990's.jpg

22-504 Birkett & Elwas London House 60 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1910.JPG

22-505 Charles Moore & Son 115 - 117 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1940.JPG

22-508 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1911 with Co-operative Society Store on the right.JPG

22-509 Eric Holmes Cycle Shop 3 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1960 .JPG

22-510 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1960 with Eagles Chemist Shop on the left .JPG

22-511 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1950.JPG

22-512 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1955.JPG

22-513 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1960 showing Timothy Whites & Diggles Grocery.JPG

22-514 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1960 Viewed from the roof of the Ritz Cinema.JPG

22-523 RF Brooks to close South Wigston 2012.jpg

22-592 Blaby Road Shops South Wigston 1990.jpg

22-593 Blaby Road Shops South Wigston 1990.jpg

22-594 Blaby Road Shops South Wigston 1990.jpg

23-462 W G Allsopp shop in South Wigston.jpg

23-610 42 Blaby Road, South Wigston.JPG

23-611 42 Blaby Road, South Wigsto.JPG

23-612 42 Blaby Road, South Wigston.JPG

23-633 Huddleston Garage Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

23-816 Notice Board in South Wigston Park.JPG

23-826 War memorial South Wigston.jpg

24-010 Blaby Lane South Wigston near the canal bridge c 1932.jpg

24-013 Blaby Road Park South Wigston c 1930's.jpg

24-014 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1920.jpg

24-015 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1925.jpg

24-016 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1937.jpg

24-025 Eric Holmes shop on corner of Blaby Road and Countesthorpe Road c 1941.jpg

24-041 Chas Moore's music shop on Blaby Road South Wigston c 1960's.jpg

24-042 Moonlit Chemist in 2014 - old Chas moore's music shop Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-043 Moonlit Chemist in 2014 - old Chas moore's music shop Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-046 Mr Jaques in his shop at 27 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1930.jpg

24-064 CO-OP store Blaby Road South Wigston - 2 December 1960.jpg

24-066 Blaby Road South Wigston - 2 December 1960.jpg

24-067 Blaby Road South Wigston - 25 February 1972.jpg

24-068 Wigston Drug Store on Blaby Road South Wigston c 1936.jpg

24-071 Blaby Road South Wigston from the roof of The Ritz cinema - 4 February 1960.jpg

24-072 St Thomas Church Blaby Road South Wigston - 1958.jpg

24-074 Blaby Road, South Wigston - 1960.jpg

24-076 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-077 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-078 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-079 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-080 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-081 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-082 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-083 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-084 Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

24-086 50-64 Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-087 69-99 Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-088 St. Thomas' Church Rooms, Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-089 Marquis of Queensbury, Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-090 Methodist Church, Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-091 Congregational Church, Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-101 The Ritz or Retro Suite, Blaby Road, South Wigston.JPG

24-104 J Hootes Chemist, Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-105 Co-op Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-123 Co-op, Blaby Road, South Wigston 2013.JPG

24-124 St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston c 1910.jpg

24-125 St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston c 1910.jpg

24-126 St Thomass Church Blaby Road South Wigston before the brick tower was built.jpg

24-127 St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston after the old tin church was demolished.jpg

24-128 St Thomas' Church Tower Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-129 St Thomas' Church Tower Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-130 the original prefabricate tin roofed St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-131 Alter St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-132 Alter St Thomas' Church Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-133 South Wigston War Memorial.jpg

24-146 South Wigston Health Centre Blaby Road.jpg

24-147 Parade Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

24-148 Blaby Road Park South Wigston.jpg

24-149 Blaby Road Park South Wigston.jpg

24-151 Blaby Road Park South Wigsto.jpg

24-156 Blaby Lane South Wigston c 1960.jpg

24-157 Blaby Lane South Wigston c 1960.jpg

25-031 Blaby Lane South Wigston c 1960.jpg

25-043 South Wigston Station.jpg

26-068 Rear of the Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

26-069 Rear of the Ritz Cinema Blaby Road South Wigston 2014.JPG

26-187 Grand Hotel South Wigston circa 1960.tif

26-305 Blaby Road South Wigston circa 1960.jpg

26-314 Fine Fare Supermarket South Wigston circa 1960.jpg

26-365 South Wigston Car Park circa 1960.jpg

26-366 South Wigston High School circa 1960.jpg

26-391 Blaby Road South Wigston looking East in 1903.jpg

26-392 Blaby Road South Wiston looking west in the 1930's.jpg

26-440 Congregational Church Blaby Road South Wigston c 1912.jpg

26-451 St Thoma's Church c 1910 Blaby Road, South Wigston.jpg

26-452 St Thoma's Church mural Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

26-453 St Thomas Church Vicarage South Wigston.jpg

26-457 Wesleyan Methodist Church Blaby Road c 1904.jpg

29-051 Post Card of Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-071 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

29-072 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

29-118 St Thomas Church Hall Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-127 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-128 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-129 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-130 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-131 Blaby Road South Wigston 1950.jpg

29-132 Congregational Church Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-133 Garage Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-135 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-136 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-137 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-143 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-174 Freemans Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-175 South Wigston Cycle Centre on Blaby Road 2012.jpg

29-178 Body Bliss 50D Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-180 Castledine Motorcycles 3 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-181 Castledine Motorcycles 3 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-182 Co-Operative Pharmacy 64 Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-183 Chip Stop 50B Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-186 outh Wigston Cycles 60 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-187 Dignity Funeral Directors 25 Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-188 Elite Chique 81 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-189 Eric Wright 12-14 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-192 Head to Tail 15 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-193 Head to Tail 15 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-194 HeatingStudio Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-195 HeatingStudio Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-199 J Hoots Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-200 J Hoots Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-201 Larrads Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-203 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-204 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-205 Micks Barbers 42 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-206 Milners 50C Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-207 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-208 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-209 Phil Smith 17 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-210 P M Wray's Shop 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-212 P M Wray's Shop 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-213 P M Wray 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 1995.jpg

29-214 Red Lantern Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-215 Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-220 Skins & Needles 32 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-221 Skins & Needles 32 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-222 Sapphire & Steel 8 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-223 Sapphire & Steel 8 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-226 The Sandwich Bar 62 Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-227 Tree House Cafe 23 Blaby Road South Wigston 2012.jpg

29-230 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-231 Blaby Road South Wigston 1903.jpg

29-232 Blaby Road South Wigston December 2011.jpg

29-233 Fitchetts Shop Blaby Road South Wigston .jpg

29-234 Birkett & Evans London House 60 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1910.jpg

29-235 Birkett & Evans London House 60 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1910House2.jpg

29-235 Charles Moore Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-236 P M Wray's Shop 13 Blaby Road South Wigston .jpg

29-237 P M Wray's Shop 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-238 A F Morris Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-239 A F Morris Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-239 Charles Moore Blaby Road South Wigston c 1940.jpg

29-240 Charles Moore Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-242 Magic Moments 13 Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-247 Chip Stop 50B Blaby Road South Wigston 2011.jpg

29-251 Worthingtons Blaby Road South Wigston c 1920.jpg

29-252 Mick Phipps Hairdressing Salon Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-256 BlabyRd South Wigston c 1903.jpg

29-257 Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-258 Blaby Road South Wigston 1960's.jpg

29-259 Blaby Road South Wigston 1955.jpg

29-278 Ashbourne House Blaby Road South Wigston c 1912.jpg

29-279 Ashbourne House Blaby Road South Wigston c 1912.jpg

29-280 Ashbourne House Blaby Road South Wigston c 1912.jpg

29-281 Ashbourne House Blaby Road South Wigston c 1912.jpg

29-282 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1925.jpg

29-283 Saffron Road South Wigston 1906.jpg

29-284 Marquis of Queensbury Blaby Road South Wigston1903.jpg

29-284 Saffron Road South Wigston 1906.jpg

29-285 Huddleston Garage Blaby Road South Wigston c 1933.jpg

29-286 Huddleston Garage Blaby Road South Wigston c 1933.jpg

29-287 South Leicestershire College Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-288 South Leicestershire College Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-294 Military Parade Blaby Road South Wigston 1909.jpg

29-295 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston 1930.jpg

29-296 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston 1930.jpg

29-297 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston 1930.jpg

29-298 The Old Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-299 Warwick House Blaby Road South Wigston c 1930.jpg

29-300 Blaby Rd Coop South Wigston 2013.jpg

29-302 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-303 Blaby Rd Shops.jpg

29-304 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-305 Blaby Road South Wigston1960.jpg

29-306 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-307 Blaby Road South Wigston1903.jpg

29-308 Blaby Road Lights South Wigston.jpg

29-309 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-310 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-311 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-312 Blaby Road South Wigston 1910.jpg

29-313 Blaby Road South Wigston 1950.jpg

29-314 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-316 Chas Moore Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-317 Chas Moore 115 - 117 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-318 Chemist Blaby South Wigston.jpg

29-319 Congregational Church 1914 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-320 Co-op chemist Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-321 Co-op Blaby Road South Wigston 1911.jpg

29-322 Culleys Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-323 Deeming Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-324 Blaby Road South Wigston 1960.jpg

29-326 Eagles Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-327 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-329 Freemans Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-330 Glengate Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-331 H&R Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-332 Hills Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-337 Larrads Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-340 Parade on Blaby Road South Wigston 1909.jpg

29-341 Payne 58 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-342 Payne 58 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-343 Payne 58 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-344 Phil Smith Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-345 P M Wray 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-346 P M Wray 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-347 P M Wray 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-348 P M Wray 13 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-350 R GO BED Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-351 RITZ Blaby Road.jpg

29-354 South Wigston Co-op Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-357 The Bar Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-398 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-399 The Marquis of Queensbury South Wigston.jpg

29-400 56 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-645 The Garage of the Vicar of St Thomas Church South Wigston.jpg

29-646 Blaby Road South Wigston.jpg

29-647 Blaby Road and Canal Street South Wigston.jpg

29-648 Canal Bridge on road to Blaby.jpg

29-653 Grand Hotel South Wigston.jpg

29-654 Grand Hotel South Wigston.jpg

30-235 Blaby Road South.JPG

30-389 Premier Drum woodworking department South Wigston c 1980.jpg

30-390 Premier Drum drilling and tensioning department South Wigston c 1980.jpg

30-391 Premier Drum machine shop South Wigston c 1980.jpg

30-392 Premier Welding shop South Wigston c 1980.jpg

30-393 Premier Lamination shop South Wigston c 1980.jpg

30-394 Premier South Wigston March 2005.jpg

30-413 Blaby Road South Wigston c 1904.JPG

30-507 Blaby Road South Wigston 01.JPG

30-508 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

30-538 The Ritz cinema South Wigston 1941.JPG

30-572 Blaby Road South Wigston looking towatds the level crossing.JPG

30-573 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

30-726 St Thomas church with the original Tin Tabernacle that was used before the church was built.JPG

30-738 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston c 1940.JPG

30-739 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston c 1960.JPG

30-740 The Ritz Blaby Road South Wigston c 1986.JPG

30-920 South Wigston Blaby Road 1960's.JPG

30-941 The Old Vicarage South Wigston 2016.JPG

30-942 The Old Vicarage South Wigston 2016.JPG

30-943 The Old Vicarage South Wigston 2016.JPG

30-944 The Old Vicarage South Wigston 2016.JPG

30-945 The Old Vicarage South Wigston 2016.JPG

31-035 St. Thomas's Church with the original Tin Tabernacle church hall donated and built by Orson Wright.JPG

31-038 The Band Stand in the park in South Wigston.JPG

31-040 The Brick Works South Wigston circa 1930.JPG

31-130 Wesleyan Chapel South Wigston.JPG

31-163 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

31-164 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

31-258 The Park South Wigston.JPG

32-001 Blaby Road, South Wigston ~ Postcard from 1939..JPG

32-053 St Thomas Church, South Wigston - Postcard from 1939.JPG

32-263 Blaby Road South Wigston.JPG

32-316 The Clarence -gaiety - marquis - stars and bars south wigston.JPG

32-353 One of the old Toy Shops at 85 Blaby Road South Wigston 1970.JPG

17-072 The Duke of Clarence Hotel Blaby Road South Wigston c 1903.jpg

17-081 Wigston Co-operative Society No 2 branch Blaby Road South Wigston 1897.jpg

32-421 South Wigston Vicarage 1996.jpg.jpg

32-422 South Wigston Vicarage 1996.jpg

32-411 Construction of South Wigston's Tesco in July 2005.JPG